Empowering Workplace Health with Soberica

Soberica is a startup in the United States focused on promoting health in the workplace through the production and distribution of healthy beverages like fresh juices and herbal teas.

strawberry juice beside fruits on top of table
strawberry juice beside fruits on top of table



Innovative Distribution Methods

Mental Health Messages

Contact Us

Get in touch with Soberica for inquiries about our healthy beverages and distribution methods with mental health messages.





Healthy Beverages

Fresh juices, herbal teas, innovative design, mental health messages, prevention

person holding silver fork and knife
person holding silver fork and knife
glass cup near pear on table
glass cup near pear on table
people near foods on table
people near foods on table
plastic cup with green liquid
plastic cup with green liquid
three clear drinking glass filled by shakes
three clear drinking glass filled by shakes
red cherries on clear glass bowl
red cherries on clear glass bowl